Prem Ras

The Prem Ras Madira written by
Kripalu Ji
Maharaj is an important book written to help us
attain Bliss and become a servant of Krishn. The Prem
Ras Madira is vital because it contains the 7 steps of
God Realization. For those of you who have not had the
opportunity to understand his concepts, this website
helps to give you an understanding of his teachings. To
fully grasp his teachings, you have to attend his
Satsang and read other books regarding his philosophical
views. Here is an introduction to the first four steps.
Steps five through seven of Kripaluji Maharaj’s
teachings can be found at
Kripalu Ji
Maharaj has helped to bring the essence of Bhartiya
scriptures to the majority of people. This is beneficial
for humanity because Bhartiya is written in Sanskrit, a
scholarly language that is not taught as universally as
it was five hundred years ago. To assist in enlightening
the general public, Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj
has created a series of devotional books giving people
the opportunity to immerse themselves in knowledge.
The Prem Ras Madira is one of his most profound works,
containing the seven steps to obtain the realization of
God. It contains 1008 songs of Radha Krishn. The
realization of God is dependent upon the devotee, who can
obtain an enriching experience by dedicating oneself to the
Bliss of Radha Krishn.
The seven steps of God realization from “Prem
Ras Madira”
1 Understanding the importance of human life and
the futility of the world
2 Desiring to become a true devotee and receive
Krishn love
3 Longing to find a true Divine Saint who could
guide you to receive Krishn love
4 Surrendering to the rasik Saint
5 Finding the path and wholeheartedly doing
devotion under his guidance
6 Complete purification of the heart
7 Receiving the Divine vision and love of Radha
Krishn with the Grace of the rasik Saint